

澳洲 Queensland 12歲男孩 Miller Wilson 平時最愛的活動,不是玩電腦遊戲,而是走到野外去親親大自然,拍下歷奇片段放上 YouTube 與網友分享。最近 Miller 上載一段饒有趣味的短片,是他為一條魔鬼魚媽媽接生小寶寶,過程令人嘆為觀止。

在短片裡,Miller 在一個紅樹林溪邊發現一支尖刺露出水面,原來是一條肥大的魔鬼魚。 Miller 對著鏡頭,以專家的口吻解釋,這魔鬼魚體型如此肥大,其實牠是準備生BB。他之後把魔鬼魚從水中抱起翻過來,隨即可見其生殖器露出一尾小魔鬼魚的尾巴。Miller 之後為魔鬼魚媽媽「接生」,小心地把小魔鬼魚拉出來,陸陸續續共拉出12條小魔鬼魚。

在這個奇妙的過程中, Miller 還提醒觀眾要尊重大自然的生命,並將所有大小魔鬼魚放回河水中,再跟牠們道別。7

以下是整個接生過程,以及 Miller 親手寫的記錄和感想!


What an amazing privilege to assist with the delivery of 12 stingray babies for a mother who appeared to be struggling and i think appreciated the help – she was very calm throughout – i love you “big Mumma" , and another huge stingray caught with my barehands!?! I am a 12 year old boy Miller Wilson, catching deadly stingrays with nothing but my barehands – no rods, no reels, no injuries to the stingrays…Just catch and release and definitely no eating these amazing creatures. I do this to teach you that these creatures aren’t what they are made out to be!! They are beautiful & majestic creatures, so next time you accidentally catch 1 while fishing – please set it free!!

For your own saftey please do not attempt any of these catches!!